The 8 Hottest Pokemon Girl Pictures
No one can stop the Internet from making anything look uncontrollably sexy and nothing can be compared to what male Internet artists have been doing to female Pokemon trainers! Of course, Pokemon series is for kids. But kids mature sooner or later and start experiencing sexual desires. Boys’ fantasies range from kissing a cute girl in class to dating a fictional character, lovely enough to fall in love with. That’s why so many guys love creating fan art transforming cute Pokemon girls into ultra sexy vixens. Check out the most uncomfortably sexy pieces of Pokemon fan art here and try not to drool over the keyboard!
She appeared in the very first episode of the series as Ash Ketchum’s first companion and instantly conquered the hearts of the audience. With her orange hair, tied in a ponytail, a yellow tank top, red suspenders, and blue denim shorts, Misty is one of the most recognizable characters in the Pokemon franchise. Her personality is so funny, kind, and sensible that it’s easy to forgive her for a little bit bossy behavior.
May is the second girl to travel with Ash. Among all female Pokemon trainers, May has the most athletic look. Basically, she’s wearing a cycling attire. She’s also fond of bandanas and kerchiefs. May is very sweet, optimistic, and hard-working. She grew exponentially as a trainer throughout the series and aspired to become the best Pokemon coordinator ever.
This girl dons lovely feminine outfits! Her cute trademark bonnet and bluish hair perfectly match her pink outfits. It’s surprising that Brock And Ash have never tried courting her as Dawn is one of the prettiest Pokemon female characters to have ever appear in the series.
Hilda is a seducer. Her micro-sized shorts have deprived countless fans of sleep! The cute femme fatale has only two interests: boys and gym badges. No wonder she’s one of the most favorite Pokemon female characters among sex-crazed fans.
Super confident of her abilities as a Pokemon trainer, Clair speaks of herself as “the world’s best dragon master.” She seems a little bit cold, aloof, and too independent. Well you know, men admire women who play hard to get!
Serena looks like a French teen witch with her cute red hat. She’s a compassionate an emphatic girl who has a crush on Ash. Her honey-colored hair is definitely yummy and her kind, feminine personality makes her a perfect girlfriend choice!
Flannery is fiery! The Pokemon fan crowd adores this red-haired vixen! She lives in a city next to a volcano. That’s why she loves fire type Pokemon. If you ever want to hang around with Flannery, make sure you wear a fireproof attire because this girl can burn your heart!
An ebony girl with a bunch of sensational hair, Iris is a breath of fresh air in the series. Her insane hairstyle matches her wild and sassy personality. She likes calling Ash a little boy which drives him nuts. Who knows, it can be her way to express her affection towards the boy.