Whose Butt Is The Most Dazzling?

Which part of a female body is the most beautiful? Ask any of your friends about his ideal girlfriend and you will definitely hear something about big boobs and a nice butt. Famous Brazilian journalist and entrepreneur Cacau Oliver believes it is all about the bum.
Thus back in 2011, he made up an idea of making girls show off their curves for reward.

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And soon the first Miss Bumbum beauty pageant was held. If you think ladies are too shy to display their curves – you are absolutely wrong. Each of 27 states of Brazil were responsible for starting their local Miss Bumbum pageants and sent the winners to the capital for Miss Bumbum Brazil. Girls created unbelievable costumes to highlight their butts and make the public adore them considering Brazilian body cult there is nothing weird in it and it is not surprising such contest takes place every year since then.

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The winner of the pageant receives 50,000 reals (approx. $22,000) in endorsement deals and becomes an instant celebrity in Brazil. Men fall to her feet together with impressive contracts. Girls dream of victory so hard they sometimes act against the law. In October 2013, according to the International Business Times, models Mari Sousa, 25, and Eliana Amaral, 24, were accused of paying the equivalent of thousands of dollars in bribes to the judges of the contest.

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Miss Bumbum is drowning in intrigues and scandals this is why it often takes front pages of websites and newspapers. Alongside with huge love of Brazilians to this event, there is a barrage of criticism from all over the world.


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The arrangers are blamed for sexism and neglect. In June 2013, Daisy Donovan, an English journalist working for Channel 4 claimed that popular television shows in Brazil, including Miss Bumbum, objectify and degrade women. She called the show “a spectacular feast of the flesh” and said she felt awkward watching the final, adding: “It’s a bit disconcerting being a woman here and not dressed in dental floss.”

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Some other journalists claimed Miss Bumbum is guilty of rising amount of fetishists. But this accusation is not actually clear. Fetishism is absolutely legal and is not taken as something wrong or dirty.

Every person on earth has a butt. Some have small ones, the others are blessed with wider hips and rounded bottom. Same with faces. But when we talk about facial beauty – there is nothing wrong with it. And if someone gives a compliment to a butt – he gets accusation in sexism or sexual harassment.

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Considering the fact that all these women are not forced to display their body parts to win the title, but they do it all because they love their curves and want the others to admire them too – there is nothing wrong in Miss Bumbum beauty pageant.
Just think on how many girls in our country are shamed for having big butts. Brazilians find such curves beautiful and are ready to do anything to prove they are the best.

We believe such contests should become international to give ladies of all countries at least a slight chance to brag about what they have there.

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