5 Robotic Pets That Are Too Cool To Live In Your Home
Allergic to fur? That is not a reason to live without a pet. A lot of people find animals too expensive and straighten for regular apartments. One should take care of special diet, occasional visits to the vet and constant mess.
That is not something you would love to make a half of your life. How about a cute robotic pet? No fur, mess or super expensive food. Just you and your tiny robot, spending hundreds funny hours together. Change color, shape, and mood of your friend whenever you want it.
After studying the modern market, we can name 5 tech pets you will love to see in your living room. And here is our list:
1. Wrex the Dawg – $149
This electronic miracle is a feedback to a popular animated film. Although designers did their best to make it gain crazy popularity.
Wrex the Dawg can shoot around, play and obey your commands or just run wild like a real dog. It has 3 moods: happy, angry and crazy. Don’t know what it supposes to act like in its crazy mood, but hundreds of customers confirm the dog is absolutely worth its money.
2. Zoomer Dino – $90
This one is the most fearsome dinosaur from Jurassic World. This Indominus Rex uses True Balance Technology to hunt, patrol and explore its surroundings. Its advanced IR nose sensors detect your hand movements.
One should never call Zoomer Dino a toy, as it is a tiny robot with machine intelligence. The Remote Control programs modes record combo moves and guide its movements.
3. RobuDOG – $3,500
People, who are ready to give a fortune for an electronic dog are expecting something incredible. And they will actually get it with this super pet.
This French doggie bot can dance, play soccer, and take color photographs. The robuDOG has been designed to bring news opportunities to researchers, teachers, and hobbyists to investigate and develop advanced robotics solutions, as they can now program their robuDOG in the available 3D simulation environment, and then transfer this code for execution on the real robot dog.
4. Paro – $5,531
Paro was created by Japanese developers for medical means. This baby seal is used for soothing the patients and suppressing stresses. Kids and adults admit they feel safe and calm after nurses put Paro in their beds.
Today Paro is available for anyone. It has five kinds of sensors: tactile, light, audition, temperature, and posture sensors, with which it can perceive people and its environment. Paro closes and opens up its eyes, reacts on its name and wags the tail when someone puts it.
5. XYZrobot Bolide – $750
Are cute animals not for you? Want some adult machine for real men? Here is just what you need. This ‘toy’ gives us a possibility of creating our own unique bolide by using 3D printed parts. Together with it, any iPhone or Android device can be used for programming XYZrobot.
Make it a warrior, a defender of your home or teach bolide to serve you drinks and meals – only users decide what it would behave like in their houses.