Lindsey Stirling – A Girl Who Combines Music With…

Have you ever tried playing the violin? Sounds quite complicated, just as it actually is. This instrument requires concentration and good memory, otherwise, no one is able to cope with it. Today we are going to show you a girl who manages to run, jump and even dance hip-hop with a violin in her hands without a single fake note.

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The world first got to know Lindsey Stirling in 2010 when she came to try her luck at America’s Got Talent show. She impressed the judges by mixing hip-hop, pop, and classical music on the violin, but by incorporating dancing with playing the violin. No one even tried to do that before her.

Lindsey Stirling performs at Hammerstein Ballroom NYC Oct 21 2016

Lindsey confessed that was a quite risky decision and she had to practice for every spare minute to feel more comfortable on a stage and to reduce chances of dropping down her instrument. She was one of the best performers of the season, but in quarterfinals, the luck left her.

Lindsey Stirling performs at Hammerstein Ballroom NYC Oct 21 2016

After she attempted to step up the dance level in her quarterfinal performance, judge Piers Morgan told her: “You’re not untalented, but you’re not good enough, I don’t think, to get away with flying through the air and trying to play the violin at the same time.” Sharon Osbourne commented: “You need to be in a group. … What you’re doing is not enough to fill a theater in Vegas.”


In her blog, Stirling confided: “I was devastated at the results … It was painful, and a bit humiliating; however, I had to relearn where it was that I drew my strength.”

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Stirling decided to continue to embrace her unique style of performance, promoting herself on the Internet. A good start was put on her personal YouTube channel. Soon after she fails at America’s got talent, she received a request from Devin Graham for a video shoot.

Their collaboration resulted in a “Spontaneous Me” video, which went viral instantly. Lindsey tried herself not only as a musician and dancer but as a camera operator and Graham’s assistant.

Her unique appearance, energy, and huge talent made her YouTube channel one of the most popular. Millions of views, millions of fans and grateful subscribers made her popularity raise up and it keeps growing.

There is no doubt, Lindsey Stirling is unique, her music and her performances are electrifying and she is brave enough to mix up any genres. Big stars dream of getting her for their new music videos and she rarely denies such offers. Shaun Barrowes, Jake Bruene and Frank Sacramone, Tay Zonday, Peter Hollens, Lzzy Hale and many others have enjoyed the experience of working with her.

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For now, Lindsey has her own 2 successful albums, a few singles and a tour in the USA and Canada. In 2013 she took a risk t go on a tour to Europe where she was known a bit less than in America, but still popular. That experience was a success.

For now, she keeps working on her new music videos, gaining popularity and has a lot of plans and intentions. So let us wish this red-haired angel good luck.

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