30-Days Sex Challenge

The life is full of various challenges. Sometimes, waking up in the morning is a daily challenge too. But social media influencers set new trials nearly daily. 30-days beach body challenge, 30-days workout challenge, 30-days avocado challenge, etc. Men mostly hate those struggling to live with comfort while their partners try hard to complete the race. But this time we can offer something special for guys – 30-days sex challenge.

Who doesn’t like making love? Especially when you have no long standing partner and can afford going out with new girls daily. The next month can give you a valid reason to make your girlfriend (or girlfriends) tsleep with you once a day with no excuses. So, here is the deal:

Basic rules

This challenge is as simple as it could be – all you need is having sex once a day. You can make it twice, but no credits follow. It can work only for your own appreciation of your male power. You can’t miss the next day or skip sex time on the previous one.

Sex types

All types of lovemaking are allowed. When there is an interaction – the day is counted as a valid one. Some guys prefer more oral sex than regular frictions and that still works. So, basically you are free to choose from the types of pleasure you want.

Time for action

There is no need to launch a timer as you two (or three, or even more) jump into the bed. The challenge is called to improve your sex life, so just relax and enjoy the show. It doesn’t matter if you like it quick or prefer long lovemaking – it still counts.


Location choice

Do not stay in bed. That’s good and you know the poses that work best for you there, but 30-days sex challenge is the time to explore. Any surface in your house fits – go and try it. It happens that couples discover new spots to give them double pleasure and they have never thought about making love there. Create a schedule where you list all rooms and surfaces to try for your sex games – we guarantee you a wonderful adventure.

Sex toys

Those men who have one partner for a long time admit that their sex life is not as passionate as it was in the beginning of their relations. This challenge is a wonderful opportunity to spice up their intimacy and try some new approaches. This is why buying some sex toys is a wise thing to do.

Rough days

There are days when partners hate to see each other. One tiny misunderstanding leads to huge fights and couples split for a whole night sleeping in separate rooms. That is not the reason you should break challenge rules. But who makes love when there are blocks between you two? First of all find ways to make peace as soon as possible. Then use some of your sexiest moves and poses to attract your partner and only after that complete your challenge. Couples, who went through all 30 days say it helped their relationship a lot and they are now more caring and understanding to each other.

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