5 Signs Your Girlfriend Has Dirty Secrets From You
If you have been dating for a year or more – you have definitely learned to detect all those tiny signs when something is going on, but your girlfriend keeps assuring you she is fine or is just a little bit tired. You no longer talk to each other or stopped going out, but at least a week ago it all was fine.
You are about to believe her rush job, a fight with her bestie, etc. But what if that is not the reason that bothers her? If you don’t want to lose your bae, you should take into consideration a few important tips that helped thousands of guys to spot the problem way before it was too late.
Today I will teach you the main signs that show your girlfriend has her dirty secret or secrets from you. It is not only about cheating or flirting with another guy. Sometimes ladies get in serious troubles being too shy to spill it all out to their beloved ones. So, here we go:
1. Behavior change
If your once easily amused woman turned into a grumpy lady without a sign of a smile on her face and that lasts for more than 3 days – you are in trouble. The best thing you can do is cater to her: ask her for a romantic date, do not avoid flowers or any gifts she would love to receive.
When the ice starts melting – ask if there is something you can do for her to see that charming smile more often.
2. Questions without direct answers
If she ignores your question, leaving them without answers so that you have to repeat them over and over again – she has her tiny secret for sure. Something that bothers her cute head, keeping her away from open conversations.
Don’t even try to push upon her – girls hate that and she will definitely leave your alone forever. The only trick that might work here is ignoring. Force HER to start a chat. That might require some time but it is worth waiting.
3. Keeps hold of her mobile phone
You have noticed your girlfriend taking her phone everywhere with her, even to the bathroom. Whenever you come across that device – she switches it off using a few levels of a block just not to let you peep in it. Well, you are in a huge trouble.
This is mostly the first sign of an affair she has there. Who needs a lady capable of cheating? Not me and not you either. There are a lot of ways of tracking messages or calls from other phones just to make sure you got it right.
4. She spends hours in bathroom
With or without her phone\tablet or laptop, but she stays there without letting you in. I wouldn’t exclude an option of spending those hours crying. Girls often do that when they are depressed. Hugs, a bunch of chocolates and a bucket of ice cream should help here. And a long talk as well.
5. Goes on her vacations alone
She hates an idea of going anywhere together for longer than a few hours. Romantic vacations drive her mad. She wants to be there all alone without you. More often it happens over certain health issues girls try to hide for as long as possible. Maybe it goes about certain skin condition she finds ugly and doesn’t want to scare you away.